
Friday 22 June 2012

panda sushi balls

prep time 40 mins
cooking time 20 mins
difficulty fiddly
style japanese, kawaii, rice

the one animal I am happy to eat... a little panda sushi ball. I saw these little guys on the Kawaii Food Blog.

there wasn't a recipe so I just had a go at making them myself and they turned out pretty well.

as they were just a lunch time snack the quantities I used were quite small (enough for 2 people to have 2 each) but you can increase the quantities as required.

150 g sushi rice
1/4 cup rice wine vinegar
4 teaspoons of sugar
1 pinch of salt salt
1 teaspoon of sunflower oil
300g water water
1 sheet of nori

to serve
pickled ginger
soy sauce & rice wine vinegar
sesame oil

1) prepare your nori. cut shapes with scissors and leave the pieces made up on a plate ready for use later. prepare the shapes for a rice ball about the size of a small lemon.

include- nose, eyes, ears, a tail (for laying bears) and two feet (only for sitting bears) and a stripe/arms for each bear.

2) wash your sushi rice REALLY well. ( i left mine to soak in cold water for 5 mins before vigorously washing it under a cold tap. you want to get the water to run clear)

3) add the rice to the water in a pan and put on a medium heat. bring to the boil. reduce heat and cover. leave for 10-15 mins. once the water has absorbed and the rice is cooked, turn off the heat and leave the lid on the rice for it to steam.

4) whilst the rice is cooling, add the rice wine vinegar to the sugar, oil and salt and bring to the boil. leave to cool.

5) once the rice and the vinegar are cool, pour both into a glass or plastic bowl (metal can impair the flavour of the rice). stir the rice continuously and if you can fan it with a paper fan (a folded piece of paper works fine too). keep stirring and fanning until the rice is cool.

6) once cool, press large handfuls of rice into your palm and roll with your hands into an egg-like shape (this is a very sticky job, so have a towel ready). gently place each ball onto a plate. one you have done this wash your hands. use a chopstick to position the prepared nori decorations onto the rice balls.

7) display as desired. enjoy with wasabi, ginger and a dip made of 3 parts soy, 1 part rice wine vinegar, 1 part sesame oil.

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